Name: Ladyboy Mickey 1
Birthday: Birthday: Oct 2
Weight: 96.8 lb (44kg)
Height: 5'1" (154cm)
Cocksize: 6.3 Inches (16 cm)
Biography: Mickey is one of the cutest and naughtiest Ladyboys one can ever dream of running into. She has a funny personality which makes her great to hang out...
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Rockhard While Fucked
Description: How sexy, cute and feminine does Mickey look in her pink babydoll nightwear? Well actually it wasn't hers, I told her to wear it, she didn't like it too much, she felt it would turn her into a girl completely and she wasn't fully comfortable with that yet because she loves her penis so much. I'm sure she's not the only one that loves that dick of hers. I told her I liked her to look as feminine as possible for our next video and of course she agreed to do it. Enjoy Mickey in her most feminine outing right here on Ladyboy Vice.