
Name: Ladyboy Balloon 3
Birthday: 21th of August
Weight: 115lb (52kg)
Height: 5'3 (160cm)
Cocksize: 6 Inches (15.2cm)
Biography: Petite, innocent and INCREDIBLE - The first three words I can think off looking at Balloon. She could easily pass an Newhalf (Japanese) ladyboy but...
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Stuffed Rubber Cock Sock
Description: Balloon fancies herself a Japanese/Korean spect and we would say she pulls it off pretty darn good with her cutesy dress and fluffy waved out hair complete with flowers. After toying around with an opaque dildo she grasps her silicon wind sock and proceeds to spank her naughty monkey with it. Balloon has some nice ones that are not too big nor too small, much like her third leg. To some this is ladyboy perfection but even if you are not in that bandwagon this is still one stop you will get off on.